The Homeschool Project Podcast
The Homeschool Project Podcast
Episode 10: The Amazing Power of Reading Aloud
Today we discuss the amazing power of reading aloud. We talk about the tremendous benefits from simply reading to your children. There are so many positives that have been found from the act of listening to stories as a child. It is a key in their mental development and builds their imagination which will serve them well as they grow. Turn off the electronics and put down the phones. Pick up a book and read together as a family and travel to distant countries, meet world leaders, and blast into far away galaxies. All these adventures are just a turn of the page. If you have any questions or comments send us an email at and follow us on Instagram at homeschool_project_podcast We hope you enjoy.
"Reading with children starting in infancy gives lasting literacy boost" -
Scholastic Kids and Family Reading Report -
Home Education by Charlotte M. Mason -,+in+other+persons,+at+other+times-+a+delightful+double+existence;+and+this+joy+they+will+find,+for+the+most+part,+in+their+storybooks&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6t9rxpa_nAhWKGc0KHat5CIYQ6AEwAHoECAAQAg#v=onepage&q=children%20should%20have%20the%20joy%20of%20living%20in%20far%20lands%2C%20in%20other%20persons%2C%20at%20other%20times-%20a%20delightful%20double%20existence%3B%20and%20this%20joy%20they%20will%20find%2C%20for%20the%20most%20part%2C%20in%20their%20storybooks&f=false
Story Time From Space -
Hands On Is Minds On -
Read-Aloud Revival -
Northeast Ohio Parent -
52 Days By Camel -
Amazon Audible -
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